Friday, November 5, 2010

CW...? 9?

I know nothing about list poems or prose which will probably become obvious when you read this...I tried.
Backyard Highway
The land is barren and for this reason, it exists only as an extension of an already forgotten world. Signs for the illiterate are stationed like useless guards. They say nothing because they remain unseen. Eyes behold them not nor do ears receive their warnings. Pathetic and forgotten-this land is not an example you should follow.
It is dusty here, so dusty. It enters your lungs, stings your eyes; it holds onto your clothes with its stupid fingers. It comes from the land but never strays too far. Always hovering, shielding its maker from all who come to see him. Dust covers the crooked signs that are scattered in meaningless places. You couldn’t read them if you wanted to. Annoying and stupid-be nothing like this place.
She’s taking a break, allowing herself to have a moment of rest before she must get to work again. Beautify. The word is simple but the act is tiring. She can’t sprout life when winter freezes her womb; when she pushes her children out, summer dries them up; and it is hard to focus on her job when man begins impaling her with his words. Yet, she is still here-like she has always been. Strong and resilient- you should feel honored if you become half of what she is.


  1. I like this piece. I don't know the prompt but I feel like this is three different things put together. Are they supposed to be connected in a way? I like the third paragraph but I want to know more about the female that is described. I want to know more concrete things versus the abstract. I like the imagery in the second paragraph. I felt like the setting that this is taking place is in a western where the rolling hay travels in the wind. I really like this piece.

  2. As said above, I know nothing of the prompt either. However, I really do like this piece and feel like the whole thing is connected and flows. With that said, the third paragraph, I think, could be more connected to the first two. Overall, nice job.
