Friday, September 10, 2010

Grass (Creative Writing 2) #2 I think.

An entire piece written about grass....I know.

In a budding neighborhood named Taberna, pronounced Tab-ber-nay to the more educated, are patches of grass. Small patches, large patches, artificial patches, nature-grown patches. For every house purchased, the buyer is given a complimentary patch…of grass. This patch can be the front yard or the back yard but never both; get one free, buy the other. Once owned, the grass is to be kept in the most excellent of conditions, which means, come hell or high-water, (literally-flood or fire) an owner must ensure that his grass patch does not fall below the standards set by the neighborhood. Even if the “common area” that is sitting next to the resident’s home appears to be taken out of a Children of the Corn movie, sans the corn.

Therefore, in keeping with the grass commandment, every front yard or back yard is perfect. Evergreen in its color and identical in cut, the grass is kept maintained. Either from the many hours of labor in the scorching Greenville heat of North Carolina by the owner or by someone the owner pays who may be smart enough to wait until evening but will become a fruit basket for the hungry mosquitoes.

Now, imagine the surprise on an owner’s face when they step outside on an early Saturday morning to inspect their grassy yard of pure grassy brilliance and all they can see is a brown log ranging from 10 to 15 inches in length, left as a present, sitting in the middle of their lawn for the entire world to see.

My brain is shrinking.


  1. What I like about this is the originality of it. I mean, who would think to write simply about grass? I also like how though you say it's only about grass, it feels like there is so much more going on. I feel as if this could make an excellent intro to some sort of sci-fi story set in some sort of grass-land. Ha, or maybe that's a lame idea...

  2. The subject is so simple but you completely turn it around. Your metaphors are great!!! It's so funny at the same time though because its such a simple thing (grass) to write about but it takes a real writer to capture the small things and to notice them like you have
