Friday, September 24, 2010


Creative Writing 4 #3
You dream of living in sunlit hills, where mounds are covered in jade. The land breathes in deeply, then exhales, gently coaxing emerald hair to movement. There is a whispering noise of buzzing engines that sound closer to the ear than realistically possible. Your feet sink into the dark earth; the thick soil envelops your toes and you experience the uncomfortable sensation of trespassing. With curious hands you reach out -grasping for things that were never meant to be touched-and feel confusion when they pull away. Waist-high flowers are dressed in colorful apparel: pink frocks and red boas, blue skirts and yellow jackets. They mock you with their dance, showing you their hearts, only to cover them up again, denying you any contact.
You feel a feathery brush across your cheek and turn your head. Pollen swirls in front your eyes, laughs, then rushes away. A smile spreads across your face at their flirting and you give chase, even though it is futile. The wind encourages this pursuit with forceful hands pushing against your back. At one point you swear that you are flying as you hurry down a mount.
But suddenly the wind stops and the pollen fade from sight. You fall to the ground and look around you bewildered. You hear another kind of whisper now, one spoken with words.
It becomes a chanting of many voices. The flowers are not dancing and the land holds its’ breath. Heat is an uncompromising courier of the high sun. You begin to wonder, when did it become so hot? Sweat runs its clammy fingers across your forehead. You are fearful now, fearful of what you have done, fearful of the consequences.
“How could you”
Misunderstanding, it must be misunderstanding. You have done nothing wrong and you would never hurt someone…never….
You speak out against their accusations, “Life has always been valuable to me. I’m no murderer. I would never-”
You don’t finish your sentence because the whispers have turned into screams.
You should have never come here. You face grows hot in anger, you can’t listen anymore. You will not. You run again. But this time, you’re being chased. Chased by shrieks and allegations, you run until you are gasping for air. You tear through the valley as if your very life depended on escaping, leaving your attacker behind.
When you reach the end of the valley, you collapse at the edge, desperately sucking in oxygen.
“You don’t even notice…murderer.” Something whispers in your ear, pained.
You sit up in terror. You are trembling. With anxious eyes you look behind you.
It lies on the ground, staring up at your face. Its arms have been torn off, strewn about its’ body. The leg is broken and cannot hold the body any longer. The petals, the beautiful petals are crushed. You let out a cry of horror and raise your eyes to looks across the hills.
It begins at the bottom of the hill and extends to where you are standing now. There is a path of carnage, decorated in torn flowers and broken blades of grass. In agony, they cleave to the ground, the Mother which gave them birth. She absorbs their tears, she listens to their cries. But she can do nothing for the children that you took away, except hold them in her arms until they breathe their last breath.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mistakes Forgotten (CW 3 # 8)

This is all I can do in 20 minutes after a night spent playing Aion instead of sleeping and a day of classes.
The friendly boy next door tried to kiss me behind the broken screen door, there was glass scattered on the floor. 
He offered me hugs, I bestowed upon him bruises.
He presented me flowers, I imparted upon him with my fist.
He showed me his tears, I showed him his blood.
I saw my stupid neighbor trying to kiss my best friend behind the broken screen door, there was broken glass on the floor.
She tugged on his shirt, he pulled away.
She pushed flowers into his hand; he threw them to the ground.
She made him cry when she made him bleed.
The mother knows that her daughter has gone off with the neighbor’s son again.
She looks for them in her garden and finds them behind the broken screen door; colored glass is on the floor.
The boy’s best friend is standing there, watching them, unmoving.
The mother stomps forward but stops at the sight of blood.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Grass (Creative Writing 2) #2 I think.

An entire piece written about grass....I know.

In a budding neighborhood named Taberna, pronounced Tab-ber-nay to the more educated, are patches of grass. Small patches, large patches, artificial patches, nature-grown patches. For every house purchased, the buyer is given a complimentary patch…of grass. This patch can be the front yard or the back yard but never both; get one free, buy the other. Once owned, the grass is to be kept in the most excellent of conditions, which means, come hell or high-water, (literally-flood or fire) an owner must ensure that his grass patch does not fall below the standards set by the neighborhood. Even if the “common area” that is sitting next to the resident’s home appears to be taken out of a Children of the Corn movie, sans the corn.

Therefore, in keeping with the grass commandment, every front yard or back yard is perfect. Evergreen in its color and identical in cut, the grass is kept maintained. Either from the many hours of labor in the scorching Greenville heat of North Carolina by the owner or by someone the owner pays who may be smart enough to wait until evening but will become a fruit basket for the hungry mosquitoes.

Now, imagine the surprise on an owner’s face when they step outside on an early Saturday morning to inspect their grassy yard of pure grassy brilliance and all they can see is a brown log ranging from 10 to 15 inches in length, left as a present, sitting in the middle of their lawn for the entire world to see.

My brain is shrinking.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Creative Writing Post 1: #1
List topic: Giving aid to friend in need/advice

             Winter came in with a vengeance, confining the previously ecstatic youth to their heated houses. Cold winds carried a type of chill that made the recipients of the blast angry; even the grass blanched at the sky in sickened shock. One young female teenager boldly disregarded the Winter’s best efforts to strike her down. With sweat on her brow, she walked, barefoot with determination, to the house of her oldest friend.

             The insistent ringing of the door bell brought the older friend to the door, disbelief and annoyance imbedded in the blurred eyes of her face. It was 6:45 and she had just gotten to sleep at 6:00, her glasses were still clutched in her hand.

             The one inside looked at the one outside. The question of why she was there came to the mind first but after an inspection of the other’s state, another inquiry pushed the first aside. The girl stood before her with bloodshot eyes, red nose, bare feet, rumpled clothes that were dirtied in some spots, and sweating.

             “Boyfriend problems-again?”

             “He came over yesterday.”

             “I thought you told me you broke up? Honey, how many times are you going to take him back? What lies did he feed you this time?”

             “It’s not what you think, will you listen to me and stop talkin-”

             “Like I listened to you all the other times? 5 months of hearing about him, every time we talk and this was after you broke up. He cheated, you took him back. He crashed with you in the car; he almost killed you because he was drunk, you took him back. He gave you drugs, he threw you dow-“

             “I was there! It happened to me, I know! But it’s different this time. Please, I just need your advice-no, I need your help.”

             The younger one stepped forward, took the glasses from the other’s hand and placed them on her face. The one inside looked at the one outside. The question of what was needed came to mind first but after another, clearer inspection of the other’s state, no further inquiry could be formed. Bloodshot and bruised eyes released tears that clung to the sides of a broken, reddened nose. Rumpled, ripped clothes darkened by a deep red splotches and sweat.

             “I need you to get a shovel, disinfectant, maybe an old pair of shoes and a trash bag. Meet me in my car-don’t tell your husband.”