Friday, October 15, 2010


Don't Think
I gently lift the spoon out of the hot soup
By habit I cool it with a gentle blow before I lift it to your lips
I press the square button on the frame of the bed to decline its angle
By habit I pull the covers to your chin
I flip the light switch, allowing the dark to settle into the room
By habit, I tell you to sleep well and that I love you
Was there ever a time that you wished I would just simply die?
I freeze at your question because it makes me uncomfortable
I don’t reply because my reassurances would be a lie
For the first time, I leave you alone in the dark cold room
…to ponder over that evil question
Closing your door, I realize that that question has been asked many times
In every tear you cried, in every trembling attempt of your hands to brush your own hair,
In everything that I do for you because you cannot do for yourself
Was there ever a time that I wished you would just simply die?
Yes, everyday but that thought reoccurs merely out of habit

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is really cool...a lot of intensity, I really like your style too.
