Friday, December 3, 2010

Last Creative Writing Blog

What If

Always has it been indisputably assumed that Dark loathes the existence of his sister Light and
likewise, she utters not the name of her brother Dark. Light has always scattered Dark, forcing
him to seek shelter away from her inquisitions and Dark has consumed Light when she could
do no more than fade away in silence but

-what if-

when the shadows approach,

-what if-

the victory of their armies lie not in the devastation of opposition?

-What if-

the celebrations are not brought forth by the taking
of the city but from simply reaching it? The all too brief contact of shady hands sliding across gleaming walls before they can take no more.

-What if-

their dark fingers are searching blindly for an outstretched hand, a coveted invitation into a world that they have never known? One that is far brighter than their own? 

-What if-

when the morning comes,

-what if-

it is merely attempting to take hold of the night, engross it in a sphere of
brilliance, instead of  chasing it away

what if?